Thursday, August 30, 2012

Quiet Time daily...was not so daily!

This past Sunday Aug 26th my youth group started these new "Quiet Time" devotionals, by Word Of Life ®. I'm just going to be honest last year was a flop for me. When I started it, it went great I didn't miss a day and was doing pretty well off spiritually! But then...I missed a day because I was tired...honestly in my heart I was going to catch up the next day. But just like a diet if you mess up one day, it's super duper hard to get back on track. I don't know about anyone else, but when I personally get behind on things I have an extremely hard time catching back up. I have a little pinch of procrastination in my blood, but I'm a die hard planner 99.9% of the time. I think the thought of falling behind scares me so much that i think more about that, than the fact that I've  gotten a little behind on something. Anyways so far I'm on a steady path of doing my devotions, although it's not been a full week yet. I'm praying that i can stick to it this time and not get behind. I really don't want to miss something great God has planned for me! So far the devotions have been great. Some were about how we really need to show God how thankful we are, because we are abundantly blessed. The others were about how God has our back always. Psalms really is a great book in the Bible! That's all i have for now. :)

Yours Truly, ~ Emily ~